In Memory

Wendy Wolfe

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03/11/20 07:07 PM #1    

Carol Tedder (Lewis)

Wendy was the first girlfriend I met at East that wasn't an Eastway girl (with exception of a few I knew from church).  She was so much fun and we stayed close through high school and kept in touch for several years until she went to nursing school and lived in Boston.   While there and working as an RN she came in contact with a bad needle and contracted Hepititis C.  She would never put herself on the donor list because she was no longer married and didn't have any children.  As her usual self, always thinking of others, she thought there were too many others needing  a transplant more than she did.  She went on disability but stayed busy doing many other things, in between her ongoing health issues.  She eventually moved back to Charlotte and I was at least able to reconnect with her a few times.  I am so grateful for her friendship and our reconnection.  There are too many fun times and memories to post but we definitely had some great times.  Steve Moore and his family lived behind Wendy and I remember going to a pasture across Monroe Road where Glendora Drive ended that belonged to the Wolfe family.  Steve, his brother Dubby, Wendy and I (and probably others) took me over there for my first (and last) snipe hunting expedition. That was the least naughty of our escapades.  As the saying goes, good girls have boring stories and memories!  I surely wish she could be with us on April 4th!  Love you Wendy

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